Getting Started with Settings & Changeover

Getting Started Webinar

90-minute video

In this free webinar, the Sepasoft team will demonstrate how to stand up a Settings & Changeover system in just 90 minutes, start-to-finish. Our team will walk through module installation, database configuration, the first production run, creation of the first dashboard, and more. Whether you’re an existing or potential customer, you will exit this session knowing exactly what steps are required to launch your Settings & Changeover project.

In this free 90 minute session we discuss:

  • What is Settings & Changeover?
  • Why should I use Settings & Changeover?
  • How do I model my manufacturing environment?
  • What data do I need?
  • How to install and get started with the Settings & Changeover Module
  • How do I build a dashboard or report?
  • Live Q&A

Excited to learn more? Reach out to us to schedule a live demo today!

Questions or comments? Reach out to us at