Release Notes – Ignition 8.0
These Release Notes apply to MES modules designed for Ignition 8.0
Platform 3
+ 3.80 General: All MES Products
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
Fixed | Enterprise Import/Export no longer checks all options on clicking the Export button. Uncheck all Response Objects and Request Objects by default. | RC3 |
Fixed | Remove a potential deadlock when an analysis is executing, a schedule is being delayed, and an object is being modified. | RC3 |
Fixed | Corrected an error from RC2 where editing existing additional factor values would have no effect. | RC3 |
Fixed | Corrected an issue where Downtime Reason could be calculated using the wrong reason when the downtime was attributed to different equipment at the time the reason was recorded. | RC3 |
Fixed | Changing the Key Cell should now notify Analysis about the change without having to edit the Cell or Cell Group object. | RC3 |
Fixed | Editing an Equipment Object after assigning a new shift will not cause erroneous writes to the MESEquipmentShiftValue table in the time span between when the new shift was assigned and the end of the newly-assigned shift. | RC3 |
Improved | Optimized analysis engine to improve performance on calculators with many dependencies and when calculating downtime with an Equipment State Class that has many possible States. | RC3 |
Fixed | Issue where concurrently-running operations on a line reschedule. Only Request Segments related to the primary Operation will reschedule. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issues with upstream Operations when scheduling downstream operations of a route. | RC2 |
Fixed | First row of analysis showed the analysis Start Date instead of the appropriate value, in the case when the value occurred before the analysis Start Date. The calculators with this issue resolved are: ShiftStartDateTimeCalculator, StateBeginTimeCalculator, LineStateEventBeginCalculator, EquipmentOperationBeginDateCalculator, and ModeBeginTimeCalculator. | RC2 |
Fixed | Line calculation issue with reject counter. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where custom calculators not created by scripts in a gateway startup. | RC2 |
Fixed | Additional Factors with the same names preview correctly using the analysis engine. | RC2 |
Fixed | Datetimes in Custom Property editor in MES Object Editor use Ignition date formatting, to be consistent with binding and component Custom Properties. | RC2 |
Fixed | Unicode character support in import/export of Equipment States. | RC2 |
Fixed | The MES Monitor component no longer relies on the Reporting Module. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where repeating Segments set to absolute only run once. | RC2 |
Fixed | Fixed Issue where using plural Tag Collector functions caused error to be thrown when using singular functions. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where equipmentStateOptions throws GatewayException with missing UUIDs. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue with cycle time calculators throwing a NPE. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where analysis selector slide out panes only translate in designer, but not in client. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where overdue Operations query listed same Operation UUID twice. | RC2 |
Fixed | Getting shifts for day correctly returns all shifts that _start_ within that day. | RC2 |
Fixed | All schedules defer to Ignition’s timeline parsing, which can be visualized in the Schedule View at the bottom of the Schedule Management component. | RC2 |
Fixed | Shifts that cross midnight are now handled correctly. | RC2 |
Fixed | configureCell Extension Function has been added to work order components. | RC2 |
Fixed | All queries with MSSQL are now prepended with {{SET NOCOUNT OFF;}}. This prevents the only known way that JDBC returns -1 to a non-select query. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where analysis manager would not restart on redundancy switch. | RC2 |
Fixed | The ‘Before’ field of the changelog export now includes that entire day. | RC2 |
Fixed | By default, always export definition objects to prevent missing source objects. Added more options for limiting what object types are exported. | RC2 |
Fixed | Prevent a deadlock between the MESObjectManager and the MESTagManager when editing equipment. Prevent RPC calls or gateway scripts while the module is starting up by returning errors. Use system.mes.isProductionStarted() to check for ‘started’ state. | RC2 |
Fixed | Missing required tag collectors will be created when validating the equipment or before opening the Tag Collector view in the Equipment Manager. | RC2 |
Fixed | On an upgraded system, the counter and additional factor IDs will change to match the 2.0 IDs. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue with filtering of State and Mode Duration calculators in Analysis Engine. | RC2 |
Fixed | Manifest and Manifest Classes can now be deleted via the MES Equipment Manager. | RC2 |
Fixed | When using an Oracle DB, Additional Factors analysis queries will no longer throw exceptions. | RC2 |
Fixed | MESObjectLink compareTo now respects transitivity. This could lead to uncommon errors when sorting MESObjectLinks. | RC2 |
Fixed | Removed subquery from Additional Factors and counter queries, to improve performance. | RC2 |
Fixed | During the Enterprise upgrade, the Lot Equipment Reference UUID will be updated to match the new UUID for the <any equipment> and <any supplemental equipment> Equipment Classes. | RC2 |
Fixed | Enterprise Export includes the current state for objects with no change history. | RC2 |
Fixed | Prevent possible SQL deadlock when deleting complex properties. | RC2 |
Fixed | executeImmediatly no longer requires having the OEE Module installed. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where select top queries on MSSQL would grab all rows. | RC2 |
Fixed | Fixed locking order on reading from the schedule cache, to prevent deadlocking when simultaneous threads are reading and updating the schedule cache data. | RC2 |
Fixed | Improved behavior when pushing out modules from EAM. | RC2 |
Fixed | Export and apply current property values for complex properties. | RC2 |
Fixed | Cache MES Object Event Scripts to avoid unnecessary DB calls. | RC2 |
Fixed | In an Enterprise setting, if scripts are detected to have a different ArtifactRefUUID than the Enterprise, the ArtifactRefUUID will be updated to match the Enterprise and the Enterprise Artifact will be synced down. | RC2 |
Fixed | Change locking order when updating equipment in the Analysis Engine, to prevent conflicting with the Object Manager. | RC2 |
Fixed | Scheduled Operations crossing midnight twice causing issues in scheduling. | RC2 |
Fixed | Use parent object to determine sync servers in addition to child servers. | RC2 |
Fixed | Copy and paste on licensed equipment no longer throws an exception. Equipment must be licensed after pasting. | RC2 |
Fixed | Maintain existing behavior with 2.0 where updating non-existent tag value throws an exception rather than creating the value. Prevent duplicate Tag Collector values for the same timestamp. | RC2 |
Fixed | Attaching a site to an Enterprise will sync down all Operations with the synced equipment. | RC2 |
Fixed | Only ‘N’ prefix on user-entered columns in MSSQL. Columns such as UUID do not use the prefix. | RC2 |
Fixed | Blank Require Roles to Edit MES Scripts no longer causes exceptions. | RC2 |
Improved | Creation of a ‘Cleaning’ mode type. | RC2 |
Improved | Added back removed arg for system.mes.getAvailableReferenceOptions, to maintain backwards compatibility. Added a new field for useDerivedFromObject. | RC2 |
Improved | Reduce Enterprise sync logging from INFO to DEBUG, to prevent filling logs. | RC2 |
Improved | MES Work Order Filter get/setClosedBeginDate & get/setClosedEndDate operate as expected on closed date. Addition of get/setDueBeginDate and get/setDueEndDate methods to operate on a due date. | RC2 |
Improved | The Equipment Manager’s Equipment is now translated. If an item is about to be modified, it will revert back to its original text for ease of editing. When it is done being modified, it will perform a translation that only affects the GUI. | RC2 |
Improved | The various tables found in the Equipment Manager’s editors will now translate their cell contents and column names. The effect is cosmetic only, and does not affect the underlying data. | RC2 |
Improved | Minimum time between two sequential schedule items is one second instead of one minute. | RC2 |
Improved | Default Store Rate on new MES Counters is now 60 instead of 0. | RC2 |
Added | Logs have been improved for failed MES Object loading attempts that should help Support better identify them in the database. | RC2 |
Added | system.mes.invalidateTranslationCache() can now be called via Client Script to clear cached translations. | RC2 |
Added | Added a warning Dialog that informs user that it is difficult to un-sync Equipment linked to a Server in the Enterprise Network. Caution should be taken before committing (saving) Equipment. | RC2 |
Fixed | Added code to wait for not-assigned managers to account for module remote module being in a start up state. | RC1 |
Fixed | Added read locking to methods that access the object link table. | RC1 |
Fixed | All Production Equipment will be created as enabled AbstractMESObjects. The Production Item Enabled state will determine the equipments active state. | RC1 |
Fixed | Any attempts to change licensing in scripting will result in an exception. | RC1 |
Fixed | Attempting to remove a license from a site that has ongoing operations will result in an exception. | RC1 |
Fixed | Call the ‘New’ script when creating a new Supplemental Equipment, Operation Schedule, Manifest, and Manifest Class. | RC1 |
Fixed | Change Log Viewer does not use Designer-only classes. | RC1 |
Fixed | Changeover and Production segments will merge together when joining an Enterprise. Complex and custom properties with the same name will take on the core properties from the parent server. Complex and custom properties with different names will be added so they are on both servers. | RC1 |
Fixed | Changing name of a MES Counter/Additional Factor then viewing it in Value Editor will have the updated MES Counter/Additional Factor name. | RC1 |
Fixed | Check changes are not stale before applying, in the event that an object is initialized on multiple gateways. | RC1 |
Fixed | Consolidated code that updates Equipment Manager main view after a subview is saved, to ensure the right panel updates for all subviews. | RC1 |
Fixed | Corrected an error where getting equipment license state while verifying tag collectors would use an equipment path that was changed but not persisted to the database yet. | RC1 |
Fixed | Correctly escape the underscore character when searching the Change Log. | RC1 |
Fixed | Creating equipment in the Equipment Manager will now correctly use the extended naming pattern, to prevent duplicates. | RC1 |
Fixed | Deadlock when importing changelog while using MSSQL. | RC1 |
Fixed | Deleted objects are no longer sent to gateways that did not know about the object before it was deleted. | RC1 |
Fixed | Disabled (deleted) or inactive MES Counters no longer appear in the Value Editor. | RC1 |
Fixed | Drag and drop tags in the Equipment Manager work with Ignition 8 tags. | RC1 |
Fixed | Enterprise export/import works after removing initial value change entries. | RC1 |
Fixed | Error stopping Production Module runner. | RC1 |
Fixed | Error that could take place when deleting equipment. | RC1 |
Fixed | Extended naming pattern when a name collision now uses the pattern `baseName – #` instead of `baseName (#)` to work better with analysis and avoid using illegal characters for production equipment. | RC1 |
Fixed | Fixed an exception that would happen if trying to create a new, disabled Equipment Item that has children. Attempting to create a production equipment item in scripting that is disabled, and has children, will cause the item and its children to not be saved to the database. If the item has children that already exist in the database and have been moved from another item, an exception will occur. | RC1 |
Fixed | Fixed cached objects from having invalid pending changes that caused subsequent syncs to fail. | RC1 |
Fixed | Illegal or blank names detected during Enterprise upgrade will have a new name assigned. | RC1 |
Fixed | Improved the enabling/disabling of MESPersons when the datasource changes. | RC1 |
Fixed | Issue where child gateway module licensing caused NullPointerExceptions that broke gateway web page functionality. | RC1 |
Fixed | Issue where Material Lots and Material Sublots could not be created. | RC1 |
Fixed | Issue where MES objects could be created with duplicate names if they were all created and saved at the same time. | RC1 |
Fixed | Issue where multiple levels of equipment could not be created simultaneously from scripting. | RC1 |
Fixed | Issue where personnel did not get synced when Enterprise configuration changed. | RC1 |
Fixed | Issues saving equipment items that sometimes took place if the equipment item was a member of an equipment class. | RC1 |
Fixed | Legacy properties that do not have a property UUID will have a new one generated on startup. | RC1 |
Fixed | Issue where Lines added to a licensed Site aren’t licensed. | RC1 |
Fixed | Make the parent/child add/remove events more forgiving when the object is deleted. | RC1 |
Fixed | MES Monitor display issues when using the Reset All Metrics button. | RC1 |
Fixed | Null pointer exception when attempting to synchronize personnel with an empty role list. | RC1 |
Fixed | Prevent 600 error when calling system.mes.getEquipmentStateOptions. | RC1 |
Fixed | Prevent a concurrent modification exception that was happening when splitting routes. Improved error message if an exception occurs splitting a route. | RC1 |
Fixed | Prevent a deadlock between the MESObjectManager and the MESTagManager when editing equipment. Prevent RPC calls or gateway scripts while the module is starting up by returning errors. Use system.mes.isProductionStarted() to check for started state. | RC1 |
Fixed | Properly disable existing Enterprise when a new Enterprise is pushed from another server. | RC1 |
Fixed | Reload Enterprise settings and copy over changed fields, to prevent breaking the optimistic lock. | RC1 |
Fixed | Remove equipment from analysis by UUID instead of path, to account for changing path. | RC1 |
Fixed | Removed attempts to accessing the Enterprise Server Store before it is created. | RC1 |
Fixed | Rename invalid complex properties when migrating. | RC1 |
Fixed | Revalidate database schema when MES settings change. | RC1 |
Fixed | Supplemental Equipment in the Object Editor no longer allows editing of MESDowntimeDetectionMode, EquipmentActiveType, MultiOperationCapable simple properties and the EquipmentLicense complex property. | RC1 |
Fixed | Using Object Editor to delete Supplemental Equipment works successfully. | RC1 |
Fixed | Unique Gateway Identifier will validate characters can be used for object names. | RC1 |
Fixed | Use parent object to determine sync servers in addition to child servers. | RC1 |
Improved | Auto-generated Lot numbers prefix a unique name for the gateway that the Lot is created on. | RC1 |
Improved | Enterprise upgrade now must be triggered from a page on the gateway that shows progress. The upgrade now upgrades object types in parallel. | RC1 |
Improved | Functionality for handling personnel within an Enterprise. | RC1 |
Improved | Object creation, updating and deletion made much faster due to new versioning scheme. | RC1 |
Improved | Once a connection between gateways through a piece of equipment has been established, changes to the equipment path will update the Enterprise settings. | RC1 |
Improved | Retroactively filling the Change Log will now handle custom properties and invalid data better. Rather than stopping, the objects that encountered issues will instead be reported to the log and those objects will not get Change Log entries generated from historical data. | RC1 |
Improved | Standard edition sites can use their own license but not share with children. | RC1 |
Added | All features and fixes from SP13. | RC1 |
Added | Intellisense documentation for system.mes.monitor methods ‘addException’, ‘start’, ‘count’ and ‘value’ | RC1 |
Added | Production Bar Chart’s Graph Labels are now an adjustable property. Passing a String format argument will now display each bar’s name, or value, or percentage, etc. | RC1 |
Added | Production Bar Chart’s Graph Labels can now be anchored at different positions. | RC1 |
Added | Production Bar Chart’s Graph Labels can now be given a unique font. | RC1 |
Added | Production Bar Chart’s Category Axis Labels can now be hidden. | RC1 |
Added | Production Pie Chart’s Border Color is now an adjustable property. | RC1 |
Added | Production Pie Chart’s Padding is now an adjustable property. | RC1 |
Added | Production Pie Chart’s Radius is now an adjustable property. | RC1 |
Added | Production Pie Chart’s Shadow Color is now an adjustable property. | RC1 |
Added | Production Pie Chart’s properties that allow users to have some control over how Graph Labels are handled if they do not fit within the available drawing area. | RC1 |
Removed | Legacy import page (OEE 1.0 -> 2.0) removed. | RC1 |
+ 3.80 OEE Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
Fixed | Resolved issue where downtime that occurred at the same time on multiple Cells were incorrectly being rolled up into a single event. | RC3 |
Fixed | Issue with key reason cell calculator with disabled states under a key reason calculator. | RC3 |
Fixed | Initial Cell Downtime Detection will no longer lock onto a cell that returns to a running state. This was caused by any surrounding blocked/starved cells (that have not recovered yet) forwarding fault to the initially-downed cell. | RC3 |
Fixed | Resolved a layout issue with the OEE Downtime Table where while using the grid view, the equipment or state boxes could be missing until a repaint. | RC3 |
Fixed | Fixed an issue where analysis would latch onto a more-recent line downtime event when using initialCell downtime detection mode when the line goes down and comes back up while a cell is currently down. | RC3 |
Fixed | Initial Cell compares cell order on the common parent, to account for nested Cells and Cell Groups. | RC3 |
Fixed | The Line Availability MES Tag will now show False during breaks in the schedule. | RC3 |
Fixed | When using Live Analysis that calculates OEE Reject from OEE Infeed – OEE Outfeed, the previously-cached OEE Reject value is discarded and re-calculated from the current OEE Infeed and OEE Outfeed values. | RC3 |
Added | Overloaded setDowntimeDetectionMode(string name) to Equipment objects. | RC3 |
Added | Added getDowntimeDetectionModeNames() to Equipment objects. | RC3 |
Fixed | Standard Rate for Hour is now entirely dependent on the coverage of the clock hour containing From Date by shift segments. For example, with an analysis row with From Date as 12:30, and assuming that the shift in question is 8:00-12:30, 12:45-16:30, the Standard Rate for Hour would be based on the 45 minutes of coverage within 12:00-13:00. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where End State time stamp listed same as State time stamp. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where running Operations Responses do not appear with function getOperationsResponses(). | RC2 |
Fixed | Downtime reasons coming from blocked/starved cell groups do not mark as unknown. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where disk cache from live analysis would keep filling up without deleting old live analyses. | RC2 |
Fixed | Prefixed strings with `N’` when interfacing with MSSQL to support Unicode encoding. Note that this will only be supported if the columns written to are an `NVARCHAR` variant (`VARCHAR` does not support Unicode). | RC2 |
Fixed | Splitting downtime event that started during changeover shows Start Time appropriately. | RC2 |
Fixed | Material unassigned from a line no longer appears in the Run Director component. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where reverted downtime event blocks note from displaying for original event. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where split events would cause display issues on OEE Time Chart. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where auto schedule by time completes after double the time. | RC2 |
Fixed | Tooltips no longer included colons. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where Operations would generally start one minute after scheduled. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where cycle count had offset of 2 instead of an offset of 0. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where scheduled item starting in the same minute the current Operation ends cannot start until the next minute. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where split event would split into more than two events with child cells and/or setting the line state directly. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where downtime events around the end of the run do not have an end date. | RC2 |
Fixed | OEE Downtime Detection Mode dropdown now properly selects the current value in the dropdown when opening the view. | RC2 |
Fixed | Prevent duplicate <Any *> classes from being created. | RC2 |
Fixed | Change Equipment on the OEE Downtime Table now uses the correct subpath in grid and list views. | RC2 |
Fixed | When analysis is checking for duplicate counts, it will now iterate through the smaller set. | RC2 |
Fixed | Rescheduling Operations to another line correctly changes the Operation to the new line on both routes and single operations. | RC2 |
Fixed | Live Analysis shift datapoints no longer go stale. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where material on Process Segment named ‘Material Out’ with same material and equipment as OEE Segment conflicts in the OEE Run Director. | RC2 |
Improved | MES Schedule View getToolTipText extension function now supports Ignition and production schedules. | RC2 |
Improved | Add “Override Current Line Downtime” state flag and functionality for key reason downtime detection methods. | RC2 |
Improved | The OEE Downtime Table and its sub-views are now translated in a similar method to the MES Equipment Manager. This means the Editors will be translated, table cell and column contents will be translated, and editable text not currently undergoing modification will be translated. | RC2 |
Improved | The Bar and Pie Charts will now translate their titles, chart labels, and legend items. | RC2 |
Improved | The Client Script function .getEquipmentStateOptions() has been given a performance update. Users should find that the scripting function’s turnaround time will be lower on average, and have a tighter standard deviation. | RC2 |
Improved | The Bar Chart will now translate its axis labels. | RC2 |
Fixed | Reverted Production Equipment name validation pattern to match platform 2.0. | RC1 |
Fixed | Validate link relationships before adding objects to cache. | RC1 |
Fixed | Check changes are not stale before applying, in the event an object is initialized on multiple gateways. | RC1 |
Fixed | Live Analysis will be stopped when the associated equipment item has been deleted. | RC1 |
Fixed | Splitting and reverting splits for downtime events propagates up to the Enterprise correctly. | RC1 |
Fixed | Dragging tag to MES Counter window to create new MES Counter populates fields to default settings. | RC1 |
Fixed | Deleted equipment does not appear in OEE Time Chart. | RC1 |
Fixed | Dragging tag path onto an already existing MES Counter, Additional Factor, or Live Analysis in the Equipment Manager does not overwrite the name. Tag paths dragged at the top level with no path will operate correctly. | RC1 |
+ 3.80 Track & Trace Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
Fixed | Zero Lot Threshold field in the MES Equipment Manager now allows decimals as it originally should have. Scripting is unaffected. | RC2 |
Fixed | Fixed errors in getAvailableRefenceOptions when adding and removing parent objects. | RC2 |
Fixed | Prevent circular dependency from causing stack overflow when loading associated equipment paths for a Segment that has a Material property, with lots being stored in Supplemental Equipment, that is a part of an Equipment Class. | RC2 |
Fixed | An Operation that specifies a specific Manifest rather than a Manifest Class will let that Manifest be chosen at run time. | RC2 |
Fixed | If a complex property is added then removed while still new, allow the match to be by name only. | RC2 |
Fixed | Resolved concurrency issues with trace queries. | RC2 |
Fixed | Get an Operations Definition from a Response Segment by going through the derived from Segment instead of Operations Response. | RC2 |
Fixed | Issue where material on Process Segment named ‘Material Out’ with same material and equipment as OEE segment conflicts in OEE Run Director. | RC2 |
Improved | Equipment Operation Scheduled Begin/End, Equipment Operation Original Begin/End, and Equipment Operation End analysis datapoints. | RC2 |
Improved | Added lot caching, to improve performance of finding available lots. | RC2 |
Improved | Supplemental Equipment has an equipment path editable through the MES Object Editor. Associated equipment and lot methods can take advantage of this new feature. | RC2 |
Fixed | Prevent circular dependency from causing stack overflow when loading associated equipment paths for a segment that has a material property, with Lots being stored in Supplemental Equipment, that is a part of an equipment class. | RC1 |
Fixed | MES Material Lot status can be any String, to mimic 2.0 behavior. | RC1 |
Fixed | Fixed errors in getAvailableRefenceOptions when adding and removing parent objects. | RC1 |
Fixed | An Operation that specifies a specific Manifest rather than a Manifest Class will let that Manifest be chosen at run time. | RC1 |
Added | Manifests as a new target for Material Lot location. Manifests can be transferred between sites, giving control over where materials are in the Enterprise hierarchy. | RC1 |
+ 3.80 SPC Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
Improved | MES Scripts are now MES Objects, to take advantage of enterprise synchronization. | RC1 |
+ 3.80 Document Management Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
Added | Addition of Document Management module. | RC2 |
Platform 2
+ 2.80 General: All MES Products
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
Fixed | Issue where the Production Model would not function properly after toggling the Production Model Enabled state. | SP1 |
Fixed | Update project notified code to account for ProjectDiff#diff having inconsistent signatures between 8.0.6- and 8.0.7+. | SP1 |
Fixed | Issue with cycle-time calculators throwing a NPE. | SP1 |
Fixed | Available Begin/End Date reflect next upcoming shift in “Shift” tag folder. All other related shift columns reflect past shift. | SP1 |
Fixed | getTagCollectorPreviousTimeStamp() function returns passed in timestamp if it exists as opposed to only returning previous timestamps. | SP1 |
Fixed | Work Order Table column settings on language change. | SP1 |
Fixed | Issue where resynchronized users could have the last name set as the first name. | SP1 |
Fixed | After editing values in the MES Value Editor, tag collectors are still able to record the next change. | SP1 |
Fixed | Relative paths for Additional Factors appear without having to use the full path. | SP1 |
Fixed | Issue where MES Counters with store rates other than 0 were storing values to the wrong date. | SP1 |
Improved | Internal messaging from tag collectors to client components. | SP1 |
Improved | Using MES Value Editor when adding entries gives the option to update following values. Scripting function addTagCollectorValue also has overloaded version with ‘updateFollowing’ flag. Note: This should only apply to MESEquipmentCountTagCollector and MESEquipmentCycleCountTagCollector. | SP1 |
—— | ————— Above this line, all modules are renamed to 2.80 and release notes begin at SP1 ————— | —— |
Updated | Merged 2.79.0-SP1 changes into 2.80.0 to create 2.80.0-SP1. | —— |
Updated | Merged changes from 2.9.3 SP13. | SP2 |
Fixed | Fixed an error where the incorrect parent could be assigned to production items that were originally created through copy-paste when upgrading to the new Ignition 8 resources. | SP1 |
Fixed | Errors when configuring tags that have no value. | Full Release |
Fixed | Production Model no longer fails to restart if Global is set as the configuration project. | Full Release |
Fixed | Using the Production module without either OEE or Trace will no longer generate errors in the logs about counters and additional factor tables being undefined. | Full Release |
Fixed | Custom analysis calculators CalculateRow and CalculateFinalRow now work with 5 or 6 arguments. | Full Release |
Fixed | Errors exporting MES Objects as XML with new XML provider in Ignition 8. | Full Release |
Improved | Analysis that is run from a gateway context will now work, regardless of security settings on the stored analysis. | Full Release |
Added | All fixes from 2.9.3SP11. | Full Release |
Improved | Add a warning when changing the configuration project to encourage using the default MESGateway project for configuration. | Full Release |
Improved | Prevent modifying inactive Production Models that do not belong to the configuration project. | Full Release |
Improved | Removed global project from copy equipment path as it is no longer needed. Maintain backwards compatibility with scripts that are prefixing equipment paths with ‘[global]’. | Full Release |
Improved | Counter names may now exceed 50 characters (up to 255). | Full Release |
Known Issue | MESPropertyCollection.get(index) is not functioning. | Full Release |
Improved | Merged latest fixes into 2.9.4. | RC2 |
+ 2.80 OEE Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
Improved | Added ‘Equipment List View Type’ setting on OEE Downtime Table component. | SP1 |
—— | ————— Above this line, all modules are renamed to 2.80 and release notes begin at SP1 ————— | —— |
Updated | Merged 2.79.0-SP1 changes into 2.80.0 to create 2.80.0-SP1. | —— |
Updated | Merged changes from 2.9.3 SP13. | SP2 |
Added | All features and bug fixes from 2.9.3 SP12. | SP1 |
Fixed | Drag and drop tags now give the correct tag name and path. | Full Release |
Fixed | Downtime Note View working with new Ignition 8 look and feel. | RC2 |
+ 2.80 Track & Trace Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
—— | ————— Above this line, all modules are renamed to 2.80 and release notes begin at SP1 ————— | —— |
Updated | Merged 2.79.0-SP1 changes into 2.80.0 to create 2.80.0-SP1. | —— |
Improved | Merged changes from 2.9.3 SP13. | SP2 |
Added | All features and bug fixes from 2.9.3 SP12. | SP1 |
+ 2.80 Settings & Changeover Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
Fixed | Recipe Name Filter used for both Recipe/Last and Recipe/Date modes. | SP1 |
—— | ————— Above this line, all modules are renamed to 2.80 and release notes begin at SP1 ————— | —— |
Updated | Merged 2.79.0-SP1 changes into 2.80.0 to create 2.80.0-SP1. | —— |
Updated | Merged changes from 2.9.3 SP13. | SP2 |
Added | All features and bug fixes from 2.9.3 SP12. | SP1 |
Fixed | Invalid UUID errors from Recipe module on a fresh install of Ignition 8. | Full Release |
Fixed | Using tags that inherit from a UDT will now properly apply the inherited attributes. | Full Release |
+ 2.80 SPC Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
—— | ————— Above this line, all modules are renamed to 2.80 and release notes begin at SP1 ————— | —— |
Updated | Merged 2.79.0-SP1 changes into 2.80.0 to create 2.80.0-SP1. | —— |
Updated | Merged changes from 2.9.3 SP13. | SP2 |
Added | All features and bug fixes from 2.9.3 SP12. | SP1 |
Business Connector
+ 3.80 Sepasoft Business Connector Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
Fixed | Issue with exported enclosed charts not being found by the calling element. | Full Release |
Fixed | Issue with copy-pasting charts maintaining old UUID. | Full Release |
Fixed | Issue with templates creating the same UUID. | Full Release |
Fixed | Bug in Save MES Object Block. | Full Release |
Fixed | BAPI tree-caching bug. | Full Release |
Fixed | Issue with duplicated B2MML Material objects causing save error. | Full Release |
Fixed | Issue with Unicode characters out of allowed XML1.0 ranges causing BC charts to fail. | Full Release |
Fixed | Drop-down menu layout bug in BC. | Full Release |
Fixed | Issue that caused serialization errors if Ignition Designer was launched through the client launcher. | Full Release |
Fixed | Simple arrays defined on RESTAction didn’t have a type. | Full Release |
Fixed | Jython conversion issue in BC. | Full Release |
Fixed | 1-to-n mapping bug. | Full Release |
Fixed | 1-to-n unmapping bug. | Full Release |
Fixed | Handling missing mapped nodes. | Full Release |
Fixed | Bug that blocked the aggregator source from being an array. | Full Release |
Fixed | Mapping from an iterated simple array node. | Full Release |
Fixed | Issue that made the BC, WS and SAP modules depend on the Vision module. | Full Release |
Fixed | “format” field for Work Order Due Date. | Full Release |
Fixed | Parameter table column sizes. | Full Release |
Fixed | Parameter renaming bug. | Full Release |
Fixed | Project save not retaining selected resource tree node. | Full Release |
Improved | Replaced the bind to a tag/set fixed value buttons with ‘add an array element buttons’. The bind to a tag/set fixed value buttons to the pop up menu. | Full Release |
Improved | Changed default debug log setting to OFF. | Full Release |
Added | Support for Work Orders to Business Connector. | Full Release |
Added | Work Order to B2MML OperationSchedule (MESWorkOrder objects can now be passed to/from charts as parameters). | Full Release |
Added | Input/output property to BC Chart Parameters. | Full Release |
Added | Support for non-default date formats in the mapper. | Full Release |
Added | Improvements in B2MML Parsing. | Full Release |
Added | Automatic parameter path refactoring. | Full Release |
Added | Added table titles to BC Mapper. | Full Release |
Added | Scrolling to Business Connector palette view. | Full Release |
Added | Added a “Remove Schema” button to each root row of a schema. | Full Release |
Removed | The “Remove Schema” button from above the tables. | Full Release |
Added | Functionality to only expand rows that have mapping or functions or bindings. | RC2 |
Added | Calendar selector UI for Date parameters. | RC2 |
Updated | Function editor buttons. | RC2 |
Fixed | Can’t have two grandchildren with the same name in one parameter bug. | RC2 |
Fixed | Passing xml output of one action to the next. | RC2 |
None | No changes to module in release. | RC1 |
+ 3.80 Interface for SAP ERP Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
Fixed | Select button being disabled. | Full Release |
Improved | I4SAP templates. | Full Release |
Improved | Changed encryption method to match Ignition’s method. As a result, the Username and Password of saved SAP Destinations cannot be decrypted, so users must re-enter both to use an SAP Destination. | Full Release |
Added | “Test Connection” button to SAP Destination. | Full Release |
Added | SAP Destination test now reminds users to save modified Destinations. | Full Release |
Fixed | Changing gateway configuration project. | RC2 |
None | No changes to module in release. | RC1 |
+ 3.80 Web Services Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
Added | Compatibility with Ignition Maker Edition. | SP1 |
Fixed | Bug that caused leading zeros to be stripped off. | Full Release |
Fixed | Bug causing a flood of NTLM authentication warnings. | Full Release |
Fixed | Bug causing an error when using security features in SOAP consumers. | Full Release |
Fixed | Bug that caused WSDL files to be incorrectly parsed. | Full Release |
Fixed | Bug that caused only the first node of a complex field to be sent from a SOAP Consumer. | Full Release |
Fixed | An issue where toXML() was not working. | Full Release |
Fixed | Bug that caused SOAP schemas to be alphabetically sorted. | Full Release |
Fixed | Bug that caused WSDL reading errors to not be logged. | Full Release |
Fixed | Issue with parsing XML with embedded JSON. | Full Release |
Fixed | Status code always being set to 0 on WSVariable. | Full Release |
Fixed | Copy script issue caused by saving project in 8.0.5. | Full Release |
Added | Ability to override default Namespace in SOAP Response Body. | Full Release |
Added | Support for XML attributes in a RESTful Consumer. | Full Release |
Added | Error logs to catch statements in WSConsumer. | Full Release |
Added | ‘%20’ space escape option to RESTful Consumers. | Full Release |
Added | Expectation handling when generating REST Response object. | Full Release |
Added | Support for XML attributes in a RESTful consumer. | RC2 |
Added | ‘%20’ space escape option to Restful consumers. | RC2 |
Fixed | Bug that caused leading zeros to be stripped off. | RC2 |
Fixed | Bug causing a flood of NTLM authentication warnings. | RC2 |
Fixed | Bug causing an error when using security features in SOAP consumers. | RC2 |
Fixed | Bug that caused WSDL files to be incorrectly parsed. | RC2 |
Fixed | Bug that caused only the first node of a complex field to be sent from a SOAP consumer. | RC2 |
Fixed | An issue where toXML() was not working. | RC2 |
None | No changes to module in release. | RC1 |
+ 2.80 Web Services Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
Fixed | Bug that caused leading zeros to be stripped off. | SP2 |
Fixed | Bug causing a flood of NTLM authentication warnings. | SP2 |
Fixed | Bug causing an error when using security features in SOAP consumers. | SP2 |
Fixed | Bug that caused WSDL files to be incorrectly parsed. | SP2 |
Fixed | Bug that caused only the first node of a complex field to be sent from a SOAP Consumer. | SP2 |
Fixed | An issue where toXML() was not working. | SP2 |
Fixed | Bug that caused SOAP schemas to be alphabetically sorted. | SP2 |
Fixed | Bug that caused WSDL reading errors to not be logged. | SP2 |
Fixed | Issue with parsing XML with embedded JSON. | SP2 |
Fixed | Status code always being set to 0 on WSVariable. | SP2 |
Fixed | Copy script issue caused by saving project in 8.0.5. | SP2 |
Added | Ability to override default Namespace in SOAP Response Body. | SP2 |
Added | Support for XML attributes in a RESTful Consumer. | SP2 |
Added | Error logs to catch statements in WSConsumer. | SP2 |
Added | ‘%20’ space escape option to RESTful Consumers. | SP2 |
Added | Expectation handling when generating REST Response object. | SP2 |
Fixed | Bug that caused leading zeros to be stripped off. | SP1 |
Fixed | Bug causing a flood of NTLM authentication warnings. | SP1 |
Fixed | Bug causing an error when using security features in SOAP consumers. | SP1 |
Fixed | Bug that caused WSDL files to be incorrectly parsed. | SP1 |
Fixed | Bug that caused only the first node of a complex field to be sent from a SOAP consumer. | SP1 |
Fixed | An issue where toXML() was not working. | SP1 |
Fixed | Bug that caused SOAP schemas to be alphabetically sorted. | SP1 |
Fixed | Bug that caused WSDL reading errors to not be logged. | SP1 |
Added | Exception handling when generating REST response object. | SP1 |
Added | ‘%20’ space escape option to RESTful consumers. | SP1 |
Added | Support for XML attributes in a RESTful consumer. | SP1 |
Improved | Changed the encryption method used, to follow Ignition’s practices. As a result, the username and password of saved SAP Destinations will not be able to be decrypted, so you will have to re-enter both to use an SAP Destination. | SP1 |
—— | ————— Above this line, all modules are renamed to 2.80 and release notes begin at SP1 ————— | —— |
Updated | Merged 2.79.0-SP1 changes into 2.80.0 to create 2.80.0-SP1. | —— |
Improved | SOAP Providers can now be configured to have input. | SP1 |
New Feature | Return custom SOAP Faults from SOAP Providers. | SP1 |
New Feature | Added HTTP Response headers to WS Variable. | SP1 |
New Feature | Added HTTP headers to SOAP endpoint script input. | SP1 |
New Feature | Added request data to SOAP and REST endpoint script input. | SP1 |
Fixed | SOAP Response no longer converts lists of size 1 to a non-list type. | SP1 |
Fixed | None throwing an error when passed into | SP1 |
Fixed | Lists being incorrectly passed into | SP1 |
Fixed | Web service REST consumer to accept special characters as a URL Query String item. | SP1 |
Fixed | SOAP input lists of size 1 being lost. | SP1 |
Fixed | SOAP script generation to include all values from SOAP configuration. | SP1 |
Fixed | Include SOAP implementation libraries that were removed in Ignition 8.0.1+. | Full Release |
Fixed | Error on module startup in Ignition 8.0.2+ due to class not found exception on NameInUseException. | Full Release |
Fixed | A regression where RESTful providers could not access request path. | Full Release |
+ 2.80 Instrument Interface Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
—— | ————— Above this line, all modules are renamed to 2.80 and release notes begin at SP1 ————— | —— |
Updated | Merged 2.79.0-SP1 changes into 2.80.0 to create 2.80.0-SP1. | —— |
Fixed | Include common dependency with Instrument Interface, Barcode Scanner, and Production Simulator to remove indirect dependency on Web Services or Production Module. | SP1 |
Added | Instrument Interface compatibility with Ignition 8. | RC2 |
+ 2.80 Barcode Scanner Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
—— | ————— Above this line, all modules are renamed to 2.80 and release notes begin at SP1 ————— | —— |
Updated | Merged 2.79.0-SP1 changes into 2.80.0 to create 2.80.0-SP1. | —— |
Fixed | Include common dependency with Instrument Interface, Barcode Scanner, and Production Simulator to remove indirect dependency on Web Services or Production Module. | SP1 |
Added | Barcode Scanner compatibility with Ignition 8. | RC2 |
+ 2.80 Production Simulator Module
Change Type | Change Log | Rev |
—— | ————— Above this line, all modules are renamed to 2.80 and release notes begin at SP1 ————— | —— |
Updated | Merged 2.79.0-SP1 changes into 2.80.0 to create 2.80.0-SP1. | —— |
Fixed | Include common dependency with Instrument Interface, Barcode Scanner, and Production Simulator to remove indirect dependency on Web Services or Production Module. | SP1 |
Added | Production Simulator compatibility with Ignition 8. | RC2 |